Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Rockford Diocese Suspends Mass through April 4

ROCKFORD—Bishop David Malloy has suspended daily and Sunday Masses throughout the Rockford Diocese in a letter released March 17 just before 2 p.m. The suspension goes into effect immediately and continues through April 4.
He also added changes to ongoing restrictions of diocesan and parish activities in response to the COVID-19 coronavirus threat. In brief, the changes include:

  • Masses — daily, Sunday and holy day — are suspended March 17-April 4. Extensions will be considered as necessary. Priests will continue to say private Masses to pray for us.
  • All Catholics in the Rockford Diocese are dispensed (excused) from Mass attendance for the same period. 
  • The Diocesan Administration Center in Rockford will be closed March 18-March 31. Extensions will be considered as necessary.

To read the full statement, go to https://www.rockforddiocese.org/

Additionally, several diocesan evens have been postponed or cancelled in order to help mitigate the spread of the coronavirus in accord with recommendations from local, state and national health agencies. This list does not include individual parish events. Please check your local parish website or social media page for their closings and/or postponed listings.


  • All Confirmations beginning Wednesday, March 18, 2020
  • Mass of Thanksgiving, March 26, Cathedral of St. Peter, 6 p.m.
  • Diocesan Council of Catholic Women Convention, April 4, Cathedral of St. Peter
  • 2020 Diocesan Appeal Trainings for Parishes scheduled for March 18 Rockford Deanery, March 19 Elgin Deanery, March 25, McHenry Deanery and March 26 for the Sterling Deanery. (Watch for interactive web based meeting solutions)
  • The Ministry Formation Office has suspended  DTI class Ten Popes who Shook the World (March 14 and 21), CLCP class (March 14, possibly April 18), and Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday classes for Ministry Formation Program until further notice Specialization Day on March 28 is also postponed.


  • Life Advocacy Day at the Capitol, March 25
  • Be Reconciled Day, April 1, All Parishes 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.

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